IBS Diet Plan ·
tips ·
Tips for coping with IBS

If you think you have IBS, but have not been diagnosed, make sure you contact me for a consultation. If you are over 50 and experience a sudden change in bowel symptoms, make sure you speak to your health care provider and ask to get screened for colon cancer. Not to scare you but IBS most often starts in the teens or early adulthood, not after 50.
Here are some options to help you manage your IBS:
Dietary Changes
Avoid high-fat meals.
Most people have an urge to have a bowel movement about 60 minutes after a meal, but for a person with IBS-D, that reaction can occur more quickly and more strongly, and the reaction is related to the amount of fat in the meal. Avoid high-fat meals!
Eliminate certain foods.
If you experience bloating frequently, you should limit foods likely to cause gas, such as carbonated beverages, raw fruits and cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower.
Consume dietary fiber.
Dietary fiber provides relief from symptoms, particularly by easing constipation. Whole-grain breads and cereals, beans, fruits and vegetables are good fiber sources. Only about one in six people experience improvements from increased dietary fiber, so don't get frustrated if it doesn't help.
Take probiotics.
Research indicates probiotics help IBS symptoms by affecting bacteria in the gut. Probiotics come in many forms, ranging from live-culture yogurt, such as Activia, to capsules and powders. Probiotic supplements are available in a number of easy to visit locations like grocery stores, pharmacies, health food stores and online.
I hope the points above help you with your IBS symptoms. If you need help with your IBS, don't hesitate to reach out to me via the contact page.
Dr. Laura Brass.
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